A Merry Meeting on the Bay

May 20, 1999

Message in a Bottle
found on the shores of the Kennebec River
by Rhonda Weaver's
4th Grade (Topsham) class


Andy Cutko, naturalist, tries to decipher message found in a bottle on the Bay shore

Sylvia Lee,
Brunswick teacher,
and students making a model of Merrymeeting Bay watershed

Watershed Model of Merrymeeting Bay,
taking shape

Steve Pelletier, forester, leads Chops Point students through some field math activities as an FOMB volunteer stands by.

Students sift through findings at the archaeological dig.

Mike Cline, forester from Maine,
guiding the Bowdoin 4th grade students from Pat Maloney's class

Susan Hayward, botanist, leads Hazel Goodman's class through a wildflower activity.

Hazel Goodman
and students from Brunswick observing wildflowers
in the fields at Chops Point

Soils of the region with
Nancy Curtis

Peter Lea, Bowdoin professor, discusses orienteering skills with Dawn Wyman's 2nd grade class from Topsham.

Helen Watts, FOMB volunteer, and Mike Cline, forester, set off for the woods with Bowdoin Central 4th graders from Mrs. Maloney's class.

After a scavenger hunt along the shores of the Bay, students and guide sort through findings.

What We Saw



from our Friends

Dear Friends of Merrymeeting Bay,

Yesterday we had fun. I learned a lot of stuff because we found stuff. I can do that outside and find flakes of arrow heads that they made a long time ago.When we did pieces of the watershed we saw the land, and water. The stuff was gooey and I also know that the rivers met but I just did not know that Merrymeeting Bay was all of the rivers connect all together

Thanks, Jessy

Dear F.O.M.B.,

We'd like to thank you for letting us come to Chop Point. We liked doing archeology with Jay and Dawn. We liked working with the watershed with Mark. We would like to thank Fritz for being a good guide. Mr. and Mrs. Fish did a good job on the play.


Crystal and Kim

Dear F.O.M.B.,

Thank you for inviting us to Merrymeeting Bay. I had a lot of fun and I think everyone had a lot of fun. My favorite thing was the archeological dig. We found some pieces of a pipe, pottery and a lot of rocks.

Your friend,

Matt Fisher


Dear F.O.M.B.,

Thanks for having us come to Chop Point! The scavenger hunt was so cool! We will try to solve the mysterious message in the bottle.

Mr. and Mrs. Fish were funny and taught us a lot about fish in Merrymeeting Bay. We had a GREAT time!


Mrs. Weaver's 4 grade

from Woodside


Dear Friends of Merrrymeeting Bay,

Thank you for inviting us to Chop Point. The archeological dig was fun. We found lots of stuff! The watershed stuff was neat too! We really liked the presentation with Mr. and Mrs. Fish. Thank you for inviting us.


Tommy and Michael