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The mink comes from North America and that's where they live. They live near rivers, streams, marshes, and lakes and are excellent swimmers. They come from the weasel family and are fierce fighters! They have thick, dark brown fur layered beneath to keep the mink warm. They weigh 1 1/2 to 2 3/4 pounds and their long, slim body is 20 to 25 inches long. They eat underwater prey including crayfish, frogs, and minnows and hunt land preysuch as rabbits and snakes under logs and in burrows. In spring 4 to 10 baby minks are born ( babies are called kits.) By fall they can take care of themselves. The American minks are also raised in captivity and it is from these farmed mink that most furs come.
Aimee C.
Grade 4
Bowdoin Central School