Kennebec River North |
Millbrook |
Wilmut Brook |
Rolling Dam Brook |
Abagadasset River |
Baker Brook |
Denham Stream |
Pleasant Pond |
Maximum |
Ring Hill |
Minimum |
Kennebec River below village |
Forested Land |
approx. 75% |
Farmland or Open Space Land |
approx. 19% |
Residential Land |
approx. 6 % |
Mean annual precipitation - 43" (includeswater equivalent of 75" snow)
Mean annual temperature - 44.5 F (19.4 F in January, 68.1 F in July)
TOWN OFFICE - 737-4305 |
TOWN CLERK - 737-8321 |
POLICE - 737-8518 |
Isaac Umberhind Library - 737-2770 |
FIRE DEPT.- 737-2217 |
Supt. of Schools - 737-2221 |