Index to Common Names (L - Z)

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Labrador herring 88
lafayette 423
lake sturgeon 81
lamper 12
lamprey 5, 12
spotted 12
lampreys 9
lancetfish 5, 161
lancetfishes 160
langbarn 497
lant 488
lanternfish 141, 143
lanternfishes 141
launce 8, 488, 494
sand 488
launces, sand 487
leatherjacket 8, 371, 380
lemon sole 276
leopard shark 37
leopard skate 57, 66
licha, dalatias 55
linesides 389
ling 221, 223
little sculpin 443
little skate 58, 67
little sturgeon 84
little tunny 336
logfish 369
long-finned albacore 317
long-finned hake 173, 232
longhorn sculpin 440, 447, 449, 455, 456
long-nosed eel 150, 158
long-nosed grenadier 243, 246
long rough dab 259
lookdown 8, 372, 378, 379
luminescent fishes 141
lump 459
lumpfish 459, 464
spiny 459, 463
lumpfishes 459
lump sucker 459

mackerel 317, 374
chub 317, 333
horse 337, 338
king 317, 347, 348, 349
Spanish 317, 347, 349
yellow 376
mackerels 317, 371, 383, 417
mackerel scad 372, 374, 375, 377
mackerel shark 17, 20
sharp-nosed 23
mackerel sharks 20
mailed sculpin 440, 441
mako, Atlantic 23, 354
Pacific 24
maneater 17, 25
marlin, blue 358, 360
white 358, 360
marlins 357
marlin-spike 243
menhaden 85, 113
minkfish 423
minnow, salt-water 162
sheepshead 165
molligut 532
monkfish 532
moonfish 8, 247, 372, 378, 379
morays 150
mossbunker 113
mousefish 541
mud hake 221
mullet 7, 305, 417
common 305
jumping 305
red 305
striped 305
mullets 338
mummichog, common 162
striped 164
mummichogs 162
mummie 162, 164
muttonfish 510

needlefish 6, 167, 170
needlefishes 170
New England hake 173
Newfoundland turbot 258
New York Plaice 290
nine-spined stickleback 307
northern barracuda 306
Norway haddock 430
numbfish 58

ocean catfish 503
perch 430
ocean pout 510
European 511, 513
green 509
ocean pouts 508
ocean sunfishes 528
ocean whitefish 503
oceanic bonito 335, 337
oilfish 349
onion-eye 245
opah 8, 247
opahs 529
orange filefish 522, 524, 525
oysterfish 527

Pacific halibut 253, 254
Pacific mako 24
parr 121
pearlfish 144
pearlsides 141, 144
pediculate 532
pelagic pipefish 312, 314
perch 473
blue 473
ocean 430
sea 405, 473
white 389, 390, 405, 409, 417
pike, sea 167
piked dogfish 47
pilchard, European 115
pilotfish 9, 370, 372, 373, 375, 377
pilot sucker 485
pipefish, common 312
pelagic 312, 314
pipefishes 312
plaice, Canadian 259
New York 290
plaicefish 267
plaintail 349
pogy 113
pole flounder 285
pollack, European 213
pollock 173, 183, 185, 200, 203, 213, 221
American 213
pomfrets 361
pompanos 371, 374, 375, 382, 383, 417
porbeagle 20
porcupine fish 527
porcupine fishes 525, 526
porgy 411
porgies 411, 417
Port Jackson sharks 16
Portuguese shark 18, 52
pout, ocean 510
pout, eel 491, 510
ocean 509, 510
prickly skate 57, 70
puffer 526, 527
puffers 525, 526

rabbitfish 527
radiated shanny 492, 495, 498
rat-tail 243, 245
raven 454
sea 454
ray, cow-nosed 58, 76
devil 57, 77
electric 58
sting 58, 74
rays 15, 57
cow-nosed 76
devil 77
eagle 76
electric 72
sting 74
red bream 430, 437
red drum 425
redfish 430
red hake 223
red mullet 305
red sculpin 454
red sea perch 430
remora 485, 487
remoras 484
requiem sharks 36
ribbandfish 350
robin 467
rock 389
rock cod 182
rock eel 7, 492, 495, 497, 499
rockfish 389
rockfishes 417, 430
rockling, three-bearded 173, 237
rockling, four-bearded 173, 234
rosefish 211, 390, 407, 408, 409, 427, 430, 438, 473
black-bellied 430, 437
rosetted skate 66
rough scad 377
rough headed grenadier 243, 245
round herring 85, 87
round robin 374
rudderfish 369, 372, 373, 375
rudderfishes 369
runner 376
rusty flounder 271

sailfish 6, 352, 358
sailfishes 358
saithe 213
salmon 120, 121, 506
Atlantic 121
black 121
humpback 120, 131
sea 121
silver 120, 121, 133
salmons 119
salt-water gar 167
salt-water minnow 162
salt-water smelt 135
salter 120
sand dab 290
sand eel 488
sand flounder 248, 260, 290
sand launce 488
sand launces 487
sand shark 17, 18
sand sharks 18
sand smelt 302
sardine 88
sargassum fish 6, 541
sargassum fishes 541, 542
saurel 372, 375, 376, 377
saury 170
sawbelly 101
scabbardfish 350
scad, goggle-eyed 372, 375, 376, 377
mackerel 372, 374, 375, 377
rough 377
scourfish 349
sculpin, Arctic 440, 453
black 445
daddy 445
gray 449
Greenland 446
hook-eared 440
little 443
longhorn 440, 447, 449, 455, 456
mailed 440, 441
red 454
sea 454
shorthorn 439, 440, 444, 445, 449, 455
staghorn 440, 452
sculpins 417, 418, 439, 472, 518
scup 407, 408, 411, 416, 473
sea bass 389, 390, 407, 424, 430, 473
black 407
sea basses 383, 389, 410, 411, 417
sea bream, Johnson's 361
sea breams 361
sea eel 154
sea herring 85, 88, 101, 108
sea-horse 6, 315
sea-horses 314, 315
sea lamprey 5, 12
sea perch 405, 473
red sea perch 430
sea pike 167
seapoacher 457
seapoachers 457
sea raven 6, 440, 454
sea ravens 439
sea robin 467
armored 467, 471
common 467
striped 467, 470
sea robins 439, 467, 471, 473
armored sea robins 467
sea salmon 121
sea sculpin 454
sea snail 464, 466
striped 464, 466
sea snails 464
sea sturgeon 81
European 81
sea trout 120, 417
serpent blenny 494
shad 86, 108
herring 100
hickory 85, 100
shanny 492, 495, 497, 498
Arctic 492, 495, 497, 499
radiated 492, 495, 498
angel 17
basking 28
blue 17, 38
bone 28
bonnethead 44
bramble 17, 56
brown 17, 26, 43
dogfish 18
dusky 17, 41
fox 32
Greenland 18, 53
ground 18, 53
gurry 53
leopard 37
mackerel 17, 20
portuguese 18, 52
sand 17, 18
sand bar 43
sharp nosed 17, 40
sleeper 53
spiny 56
tiger 17, 37
whale 29
white 17, 25
shark pilot 372
shark sucker 485, 486, 487
shark suckers 484
sharks 15
basking 28
bramble 56
cat 34
gurry 53
hammer-headed 44
mackerel 20
Port Jackson 16
requiem 36
sand 18
thresher 32
sharp nosed shark 17, 40
sharp-nosed mackerel shark 23
sharp-tailed sunfish 529, 530, 531
sheepshead 363, 411, 416
sheepshead minnow 165
shiner 302, 363, 378
short big-eye 410
shorthorn sculpin 439, 440, 444, 445, 449, 455, 456
short-nosed sturgeon 81, 84
shovelhead 16, 44
silver eel 151, 350
silver gar 167
silver gars 167
silver hake 173
European 175, 177
silver-hake family 173
silver hatchetfish 149
silver salmon 120, 121, 133
silverside 302
waxen 302, 304
silversides 118, 302
skate, barn-door 57, 61
big 58, 63
brier 58, 65
common 63, 67
eyed 63
hedgehog 67
leopard 57, 66
little 58, 67
prickly 57, 70
rosetted 66
smooth-tailed 70
spotted 63
starry 72
summer 67
thorny 57, 72
winter 63
skates 15, 57, 60
skilligalee 358
skipjack 169, 337, 363
skipper 170
sleeper shark 53
slime eel 150, 157
Atlantic 157
Japanese 157
smelt 133, 135, 302
European 136
green 302
herring 139
salt-water 135
sand 302
smelts 133
smolt 121
smooth dog 34
smooth dogfish 17, 34
smooth dogfishes 34
smooth flounder 249, 283
smooth-back flounder 283
smooth hound 34
smooth-tailed skate 70
snake blenny 491, 494, 497, 498, 499
snake eel 150, 159
snapper 383
snipe eel 6, 150, 159
snipefish 6, 301
snipefishes 301
snub-nosed eel 157
sole 276
American 296
gray 285
lemon 276
soles 248
southern flounder 269
Spanish mackerel 317, 347, 349
spearfishes 351, 352, 357
sperling 88, 302
spiny dogfish 17, 47, 185
spiny dogfishes 47
spiny lumpfish 459, 463
spiny shark 56
spot 417, 423
spotted catfish 507
spotted flounder 290
spotted hake 173, 230
spotted lamprey 12
spotted skate 63
spotted turbot 290
spotted wolffish 502, 503, 507
squeteague 417, 424
squirrel hake 173, 221, 223, 231
staghorn sculpin 440, 452
starfish 368
starry skate 72
stickleback 308
bloody 311
four-spined 307, 311
nine-spined 307
three-spined 307, 308
two-spined 307, 308, 310
sticklebacks 307
stingaree 74
sting ray 58, 74
sting rays 74
whip-tailed 74
stomias 141, 147
stomiatids 146
striped anchovy 119
striped bass 389, 405, 409, 417
striped bonito 317, 335, 336, 339
striped mullet 305
striped mummichog 164
striped sea robin 467, 470
striped sea snail 464, 466
striper 389
sturgeon, lake 81
little 84
sea 81
short-nosed 81, 84
sturgeons 80
sucker, lump 459
pilot 485
shark 485, 486, 487
swordfish 485, 486
white-tailed 485
suckers, shark 484
summer flounder 248, 260, 267
summer herring 106
summer skate 67
sunfish 524, 529, 532
sharp-tailed 529, 530, 531
sunfishes, ocean 528
swellfish 526
swell toad 526
swiveltail 32
swordfish 24, 351, 358
swordfishes 351
swordfish sucker 485, 486

tarpon 85, 87
tarpon tribe 85
tautog 369, 390, 407, 408, 427, 430, 473, 478
ten pounder 85, 86
thornback 308
thornfish 308
thorny skate 57, 72
threadfin 381
thread herring 112
three-bearded rockling 173, 237
three-spined stickleback 307, 308
thresher 17, 32
thresher sharks 32
tiger shark 17, 37
tilefish 5, 426, 473
tilefishes 426
toadfish 6, 439, 449, 518
toadfishes 518
tobacco box 67
tomcod 173, 183, 196
torpedo 57, 58
torpedoes 15, 57, 77
torsk 238
tribe, cunner 473
triggerfish 7, 418, 520
triggerfishes 520, 521, 522, 525
trout 120, 506
brook 120
gray 417
sea 120, 417
trumpetfish 6, 316
trumpetfishes 316
tuna 317, 337, 338
bluefin 338
tunny 338
little 336
turbot 524
European 290
Greenland 258
Newfoundland 258
spotted 290
tusk 238
two-spined stickleback 307, 308, 310

unicornfish 522, 524, 525

viperfish 141, 145
viperfishes 145

waxen silverside 302, 304
weakfish 417, 424, 426
weakfishes 390, 417
whale shark 29
whip-tailed sting rays 74
whitebait 118, 302
white chin 478
white hake 173, 221, 231
white marlin 358, 360
white perch 389, 390, 405, 409, 417
white shark 17, 25
whitefish, ocean 503
whitefishes 120
white-tailed sucker 485
whiting 173, 423
king 423
windowpane 290
winter flounder 249, 273, 276
winter skate 63
witch flounder 249, 285
wolf eel 509, 515, 517
wolf eels 508
wolffish 502, 503
wolffish 502, 503, 507
spotted 502, 503, 507
wolffishes 491, 502, 509
wrasses 473
wreck bass 409
wreckfish 389, 407, 409
wrymouth 7, 9, 491, 500
wrymouths 500, 509

yellow jack 376
yellow mackerel 376
yellowtail 249, 271, 375